For the last year or two, I've been in a hangar that I was subleasing. I lucked into this hangar when the fellow who had it, whom I'll call Albus, moved out of state. Albus thought, however, that he might be moving back in a couple of years' time, and he didn't want to give up the hangar only to then wish that he hadn't. We were introduced via a sort of friend-of-a-friend arrangement, and came to an agreement whereby I occupied the hangar and paid the rent to Albus, who in turn paid the airport. Part of the agreement was that if Albus did find himself returning, he would be able to occupy the hangar again. As I was already on the waiting list for a hangar, I hoped that my name would come up before Albus decided to move back to California.
The so-called friend-of-a-friend arrangement needs a bit of clarification: I know a guy we'll call Ron. Ron's father, Arthur, knows Albus. I now know Arthur as well, but at the time this all started we'd only met once in passing.
Anyway, this past summer, my name did make it to the top of the waiting list, and I got a phone call from the airport manager. I'll call him Severus. Severus offered me a recently-vacated hangar at the other end of the airport, less than half a mile away. In turn, I called Albus to let him know and asked him what he wanted to do about his hangar. Albus told me that he had decided that he was going to remain in his new abode, and had no desire to retain the California hangar once I was done with it. With this information, I inquired of Severus whether it would be possible for Albus to relinquish his hangar and for me to have it instead of the one being offered (since I was at the top of the hangar list anyway.) This would save me the aggravation of moving, and it would let Severus offer the hangar he'd offered to me to the next person on the hangar list - thus getting two names off the waiting list. Severus said no, because he said that he couldn't offer a hangar to a new tenant until it was vacant and he had inspected it. He did happen to mention that tenants could trade hangars, and so I inquired how that process works. His reply was that if tenants wished to trade hangars, he would have to inspect each hangar to verify that there was an airplane in each that was appropriately registered to the respective parties. Since Albus' airplane was by now several thousand miles away, that option was out. Really liking the hangar I was in, and dreading the thought of moving, I tried offering Severus a variation: He could call the next person on the waiting list, and show them both hangars. If they wanted the one he was offering me, we'd "trade" and they could have it now. If they wanted the one I was currently in, they could have it once I moved out , say next month. As you may surmise, I was hoping that they would take the already-empty hangar, letting me stay where I was. But no, Severus would have none of it.
And so, with Albus' concurrence, I stayed put in the hangar I was subbing from him. In the midst of this drama, I bemoaned the silliness of the whole thing to one of the airport friends who helped Albus and me get together in the first place. He offered to sublease my new hangar for parts storage (he runs a small shop on the airport.) So, I also took the hangar Severus offered, and subbed it out to Ron.
Now we jump forward to this past February. I'm still in Albus' hangar, and Ron is in mine. The airport is a recipient of some of the stimulus dollars that we heard about last year, and so is repaving the entire ramp complex - essentially everything except the runways and taxiways. The work is being done in four phases, one for each quadrant of the airport. The first quadrant is late, but well under way, with completion originally expected around the first of February, but now looking like the end of March. The next phase of the project will encompass the quadrant that includes both of the hangars involved in this tale. Once the work starts, access to the hangars will be restricted to non-working hours, and getting an airplane in or out will be extremely difficult, and at times impossible. Ron has arranged to send his parts inventory to auction, and so expects to be out of my hangar by the end of the month. Ron's hired help, Crabbe, has hinted that he may know someone (Goyle) who might want to sub out my hangar; Arthur, Ron's father, similarly has a possible prospective sub. The spoiler, as you might expect, is Severus, who has announced that he will conduct a hangar inspection sometime later this spring or summer. One of the things he inspects for is the proper airplane in the proper hangar, as subleasing is not allowed under the hangar lease agreements. This is what I've been fearing the entire time that I've been subbing from Albus, since if my plane is found in Albus' hangar, not only would I get thrown out, he would too. Of course, it made no difference to him anymore, but all the same, I felt it was time to clean this mess up.
And so, Ron having cleared out of my hangar, I went to see Severus one more time. I knew I couldn't show him Albus' airplane in his hangar and my airplane in mine, but what if I could show him both hangars completely empty - Then could we trade? I even thought I knew how I could make it happen, since I happened to know that Ron also had access to another recently-emptied hangar, belonging to the late Sirius. It would mean I'd have to move twice, but it would perhaps be worth it. Alternatively, yet another recent (and unfortunate) passage had caused another hangar to be cleaned out, this one right across the alley from Albus' hangar; maybe I could trade into that one - the move would certainly be a whole lot easier. But, for all my attempts at maneuvering, Severus stood firm. The best I could get was a suggestion that I put my name back on the hangar list for a shot at a different hangar; the last wait was only three years. By this time, of course, there was no question what had been going on with Albus' hangar, and I knew that Severus knew that I knew that he knew it. (!) This was the one area where Severus had cut me some slack, as it was apparent that what hangar my plane was occupying was not news to him, despite my attempts to keep a low profile (outside of my failed efforts at negotiating, that is.) As long as he'd been able to maintain some sort of plausible deniability, my sublease charade had been ignored. But now the jig was up; it was time to move.
Thus, I informed Albus that I would be out of his hangar by the end of the month, which by this time was March. When I shared this with Severus, he mentioned that Albus' rent would be prorated to the actual date that the hangar was vacated. That little fact gave me some added impetus to get the job done sooner rather than later, especially since I knew I would be out of town for most of the last third of the month.
This is when it doesn't pay to be a packrat!
That's pretty much the story. So far, anyway. After all the wrangling, the new hangar (my hangar) is a mixed bag. I'm in it legitimately, which is good for the peace of mind. It's right next to the street, which isn't. And it's noisy, although it must sound crazy for someone on an airport to be complaining about street noise. It's right next to the restrooms, which is handy, but which also means that there will be a lot more people walking by who will want to stop and chat and see what's going on (for some people, that would be a plus; I'm not one of those people.) The best thing though is that I can put the Baron in this hangar by myself using just the Robotow battery-operated towbar; the other hangar required the use of either the tug or the truck - a nerve-wracking experience every time, thanks to the minimal wingtip clearance. Another plus for this hangar: the door appears to be maybe a foot wider. Too bad I won't get to use it for the next few months!