Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We're waiting . . .

As we run up to the end of the month, everyone is waiting to see what happens with the congress and the budget. Specifically, the sequester. Will they let it happen?

As I write this, the common consensus is that yes, they will. What will happen if the threatened sequestration cuts do take place?

Honestly, I don't think anyone really knows. There has been all sorts of stuff put out by all sorts of people about how many furloughs there will be, and what services will be affected. Controllers have been warned that we may be furloughed one day each fortnight, and that vacation time may be cancelled. There is a list of towers that might be closed overnights, and another list of towers that might be closed outright. My personal opinion is that these lists, and a lot of the other statements that have been made by our politicians, are all made to threaten dire consequences that will spur the congress into some sort of action to resolve the situation. So far, to no avail.

If controllers do take furloughs, it won't start happening until April. That's because the government is required to give us thirty-day notice that furloughs will take place. So theoretically, nothing will happen on our front for a month. I don't know if the same consideration applies across the board. There may be other places where the sequestration cuts are felt more immediately.

So here we are, waiting to see what will happen. Stay tuned!


  1. Think the DHS will furlough Blue Shirts or just cut them all to part time?

    1. No idea, but I suppose furloughs could be considered another way of making all of us "Part Timers"

  2. Yes......Our Taxes dollars at work........LOVELY!!!!!!!!

  3. Reminds me of a news story I heard at the end of last year about how the "Fiscal Cliff" was really more of a "Fiscal Hill" because implementing cuts is not instantaneous.

    1. And it's the same cliff/hill, time-shifted from then.

